In a chilling revelation, researchers from NordVPN have shed light on a new hacking method called GhostTouch, which enables cybercriminals to unlock certain smartphones from a distance without the need for any malware installation. By employing electromagnetic signals to simulate gestures like swiping and tapping, hackers can gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, such as passwords and banking applications, and even install malicious software. While the attack requires the attacker’s hardware to be in close proximity to the victim, public places where smartphones are frequently placed face-down on tables become the primary targets for such sophisticated attacks.

The attack can only be conducted from a distance of up to 40mm

GhostTouch was initially discovered by academics from Zhejiang University in China and the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. By sending electromagnetic signals to the targeted device, cybercriminals can manipulate its touchscreen and mimic user interactions remotely. This breakthrough technique exploits the common behaviour of individuals who inadvertently expose their smartphones to potential hacking risks in public spaces like libraries, cafes, and conference lobbies. The attackers strategically position their equipment beneath the table, enabling them to launch the attack without raising suspicion or alerting the victim.


According to NordVPN, the attack can be conducted from a distance of up to 40 mm, allowing the attackers to discreetly place the necessary hardware beneath a table and gain control over the targeted smartphone. Although the attackers need to be in close proximity initially, once the connection is established, distance becomes irrelevant. Currently, nine smartphone models, including the iPhone SE (2020), Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G, Redmi 8, and Nokia 7.2, have been confirmed to be vulnerable to GhostTouch.

One distinct characteristic of GhostTouch is that users may notice their smartphones operating on their own, indicating that unauthorized access has been granted. It is noteworthy that a significant number of reports, with over 209 million results when searching “phone unlocks itself” on Google, may potentially be attributed to GhostTouch attacks. Therefore, it is crucial for smartphone users to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions.

To safeguard against GhostTouch and similar hacking attempts, it is essential to implement robust security mechanisms on smartphones. Users are strongly advised to utilize security features such as PIN codes, swipe patterns, or biometrics to fortify their device’s protection. By incorporating these security measures, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this unsettling hacking technique.

GhostTouch presents a chilling reminder of the evolving landscape of cybercrime, where hackers continue to exploit vulnerabilities in smartphones. The method’s ability to remotely unlock smartphones and gain access to sensitive data underscores the importance of remaining vigilant and proactive in implementing security measures. By staying informed and adopting stringent security practices, users can effectively safeguard their smartphones and protect their valuable personal information from falling into the wrong hands.

