To celebrate the arrival of their new model, PhilBook Max, the Shenzhen-based Chinese manufacturer just launched some amazing deals to thank those loyal fans who have always been supportive. So, on the occasion of Aliexpress 6.18 Shopping Festival and Amazon Prime Day, the company decided to throw its largest sale in history offering up to 50% off deals! New customers can also take advantage of the super sale and experience the high quality and high performance of XIDU products.

XIDU coupon deals

Now, let’s see the deals offered by starting with the all-new XIDU Philbook Max. UK residents can use coupon JVVL8I8P on Amazon UK to save £60 for a final price of £339.99. If you live outside the UK, you can visit the company’s official store and use coupon AW8397XBDXGG to save $111 and get it for $349. Lastly, it is also available on Aliexpress for $345.99.

XIDU coupon deals

Also available is the XIDU Tour that is on clearance and you can find it on Amazon UK for just £199.99 using coupon 6FXH7M57 during checkout. The price on the official store is $229 with coupon code AW8397XBDXGG. And if you want a 2in1 Windows tablet instead of a laptop, you can check out the XIDU PhilPad that sells for just $319 using coupon 33S7MFQR3F11 on their official online store.

XIDU coupon deals

Lastly, the smaller version of Max, the XIDU PhilBook costs just $209! You can get it on the XIDU store using coupon 6C19S6ZFFCBC.