By helping you avert problems like bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease, good oral and dental hygiene ensure you preserve your teeth even as you grow older.

It is no secret that brushing your teeth correctly and regularly leads to a healthier mouth and protects you from various medical disorders. It is equally important to choose the right toothbrush. While both manual, as well as an electric toothbrush, is effective when it comes to cleaning teeth and removing oral plaque, the electric toothbrush produces vibrations that create more micro-movements, thus making it more effective for avoiding decay.

While you can easily find all sorts of electrical toothbrushes on both, online as well as offline stores, these electric toothbrushes are not necessarily easy on the pocketbook. Those who go for inexpensive alternatives, on the other hand, end up compromising on quality.

Image result for Oclean X Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush International Version / Whitening / Gum Care from Xiaomi youpin - White with 1 brush head

Oclean is now offering the Oclean X Smart Sonic electric toothbrush for a lowered price on Gearbest. Known for bringing smarter and higher quality products to the general customer, Oclean is giving Gearbest users a chance to buy its feature-laden electric toothbrush for just $64.99.

This is a noteworthy 28 percent reduction in the electrical toothbrush’s original asking price of $89.99, but that’s not all. If you are ordering the Oclean X Smart Sonic electric toothbrush from either Fast-08 and Fast-23 warehouse, you can use coupon code GB-HBZOCXPL and get an extra $5 off, and reduce your total to just $59.99.

Likewise, you can apply coupon code GB-HBZOCLEAX before the end of this month to save $ more if your order is shipping from CN-099 warehouse. In other words, you can bring the already lowered asking price of the Oclean X Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush further down to $55.99 simply by applying the aforesaid coupon during the checkout process.

You can visit this link to take advantage of the coupons. It is worth mentioning here that both coupons will expire on July 31st. With 86 units of the white-tinted Oclean X Smart Sonic electric toothbrush, International Version sold, the promo is slated to end in seven days.