Zepp Health (Huami) has announced three new smartwatches – the Amazfit GTR 3, Amazfit GTR 3 Pro, and the Amazfit GTS 3. All three smartwatches pack multiple new features and competitive price tags. Just like their predecessors, they should sell pretty well. However, there is a demographic that most likely won’t be picking up any of the new smartwatches, not that they are bad, but because none of these smartwatches is for them, no thanks to their size.

Amazfit GTR 42mm

The last time Zepp Health announced a smartwatch under its GT series with a small dial was in 2019, and that was the Amazfit GTR 42mm which launched with a 1.20-inch display. Since then, it has launched 8 new smartwatches under the GT series, none of which has a display smaller than 1.39 inches. 

My wife has an Amazfit GTR 47 Lite, and while she likes it, especially for its long battery life, she has said a few times that she wishes it was smaller. So, on some days she ditches it for her Withings hybrid watch which not only has a smaller display, but is more comfortable, and is a better match for select outfits. We have both discussed picking up new Amazfit smartwatches, but seeing as none of these new models have a small display, I don’t see her sticking to Amazfit when she’s ready to upgrade.

Not everyone wants a watch with a large display, and there are lots of people, including me, with a small wrist size. It is therefore disappointing to see Zepp Health launch products that do not cater to this demographic. Competitors such as Apple and Samsung know the importance of having multiple sizes which is why their watches including the new Apple Watch Series 7 and Galaxy Watch4 series come in different sizes.

I have no idea what Zepp Health’s product lineup for the future looks like but I want to believe there is space for a smaller Amazfit GTR watch. Last year, it launched the Amazfit GTR 2e, a cheaper version but with the same screen size as the GTR 2. The GTS 2, on the other hand, got two more affordable models – the GTS 2e and the GTS 2 Mini, with the latter packing a smaller display than its siblings. If it plans to launch more third-generation GT models, then it makes sense to include an Amazfit GTR 3 Mini with a smaller display or an Amazfit GTR 3 42mm version.

Of course, there are tradeoffs with having a smaller display such as a smaller battery which means reduced battery life. Nevertheless, if the battery life can be kept at 12 days just like on the Amazfit GTR 42mm, folks should be fine with it. Heck, the new Amazfit GTR 3 Pro and Amazfit GTS 3 both have a 12-day battery life.