German luxury carmaker Mercedes has unveiled yet another of its electric concept car with impressive futuristic credentials. The EQXX can cover up to 620 miles on a single charge according to the company and it is made with lots of recycled and sustainable materials. The design and materials used in its interior place the car several notches higher on the sustainability scale. These include mushroom fibers, ground-up cactus leaves, and even food scraps.Mercedes EQXX concept EV

The 620 miles range claim for the EQXX is based on simulations, hence the actual driving range of the car if when it gets to that stage could be different. Mercedes however insists that the simulated testing claims on the range are accurate and it is just a conservative figure. It expects the EQXX to go beyond the 620 miles threshold when it begins actual testing of the electric vehicle. Plans are afoot to demonstrate the EQXX’s range later this year when it commences actual driving tests for the car.Mercedes EQXX concept EV

The company says the EQXX is a technology blueprint for series production, as it plans to put much of the premium components of the EQXX into the production of all-electric Mercedes models by 2024. Some of the components include the battery, electric motor, and other environmentally friendly and reliable components. The battery pack of the EQXX is 30% lighter than that of the EQS electric sedan. The Mercedes EQS has a range of 487 miles, hence the concept car brings greater distance for a lighter battery, which is very remarkable. Mercedes is also saying that the EQXX offers greater energy efficiency better than even the Tesla Model S Long Range.Mercedes EQXX concept EV

The Mercedes EQXX concept EV is an all-around concept electric vehicle with lots of innovations and impressive features. It remains to be seen how its deployment to series production pans out, as Mercedes continues to make inroads into the luxury EV segment of the market.