There seems to be some degree of seriousness in the plans of Google to deliver an Android tablet going by recent decisions the company has made relating to hiring an expert for a new division to oversee the project. Google has made overtures to smartphone manufacturers to start building hardware for the Android tablet while the tech giant is also pursuing the development of the Android 12L software infrastructure which is targeting tablets and foldable devices. The Android 12L is a mid-cycle update to enhance the functionality of the tablet device.

Google has now gone a step further to offer a new job opening for a Senior Engineering Manager, Android Tablet App Experience, which is seen as the team lead in the new division for the Android tablet. In the job description for the position, Google says it believes that the future of computing is shifting towards more powerful and capable tablets, which is in line with Google’s research direction. Industry watchers feel that Google could have pursued the Android tablet development when the iPad first surfaced more than a decade ago.

The new division for the development of the Android tablet certainly has its work cut out. It has to work rapidly to deliver products that could sway consumer apathy away from the project. It is several years away from the development and it remains to be seen what will be the roadmap for fast-tracking development within the Android tablet segment. Google may have to provide sustained investments and draw the best technology to catch the attention of a skeptical market. Google’s second effort at an Android tablet needs to go the whole hog.


