Xiaomi has launched a new MIJIA product in its home market of China. The product in question is the MIJIA Triple Door Refrigerator 216L that offers various modern and smart features.


As per official claims, the new MIJIA refrigerator offers frost free cooling and adopts a triple door design. It even has intelligent anti frost technology to prevent frost build up, removing the need for manual defrosting. It also has an waterfall type upward air outlet design that helps reduce blowing cold air on any of the food items, which helps keep them moist and fresher for longer.

Furthermore, this air cooling technology can deliver cooling to each compartment, which includes a general section at the top, a freezer at the bottom, and a mid section dedicated solely for seafood. Each compartments gets different types and degree of cooling as well to help keep items fresh across the board. Notably, the MIJIA refrigerator also comes with antibacterial rate of 99.9 percent. This is thanks to an an ionic antibacterial and deodorizing module that helps remove odor molecules from within the fridge.


The MIJIA Triple Door Refrigerator takes up the same area as about a char in terms of dimensions on the floor, but still offers 216 liters of total storage space. Out of this , 122 liters is dedicated to regular refrigeration, while 32 liters is dedicated to the seafood fresh freezer segment, and the remaining 32 liters is for the proper freezer. The company is even marketing this product as energy efficient, and retails for around 1,699 Yuan (roughly 267 US Dollars), but is also available for a pre-order price of just 1,499 Yuan (roughly 235 US Dollars).