Google is known for its innovative technology and services, but what if they suddenly started giving away money? It’s an intriguing thought, but not a realistic business strategy. However, some Pixel users on the r/GooglePixel subreddit have reported receiving unexpected payments from Google, ranging from a few dollars to over $1,000. The notifications claimed the payments were rewards for “dogfooding” the Google Pay Remittance experience, meaning testing new features or services from the company.

Google Logo

While it might sound too good to be true, some lucky Pixel users have discovered the cash in their Google Pay accounts. Tech journalist Mishaal Rahman was one of the accidental recipients, tweeting, “Uhhh, Google Pay seems to just be randomly giving users free money right now. I just opened Google Pay and saw that I have $46 in ‘rewards’ that I got ‘for dogfooding the Google Pay Remittance experience.'” The unexpected cash deposits have left users wondering how much Google paid out and how many were chosen at random.

Although the idea of Google giving away money seems unlikely, the company appears to have made no effort to retrieve the accidental payments. In an email to recipients, Google apologized for the unintended credit but stated, “If we were not able to reverse the credit, the money is yours to keep. No further action is necessary.” It’s unclear how long the payments will continue or how many users will receive them, but for now, some Pixel owners are enjoying an unexpected windfall.

