Twitter has recently faced backlash for its decision to restrict access to its API, causing inconvenience for public institutions and businesses. However, the company has now decided to backtrack and has restored free access to verified government and publicly-owned services that use the tool for critical purposes such as emergency notifications, transportation updates, and weather alerts.


This decision has come as a relief to those who rely on Twitter to disseminate important information to the public. The API restrictions had caused significant issues for various apps and services, and government services faced additional difficulties due to the high fees for access. The company had recently announced its $100 API Pricing Plans to the public, and a lot of developers were affected because of the same. The move to restore free access is a step in the right direction towards ensuring that critical information can be shared effectively.


However, Twitter needs to be cautious about balancing its desire to monetize its platform and providing essential services to the public. While it is understandable that the company needs to shift its revenue to subscriptions, it should not do so at the expense of public services. The decision to restore free access to verified government and publicly-owned services is a positive one, but more needs to be done to ensure that all public services can continue to use Twitter without facing high fees or significant limitations.

Twitter’s decision to restore free access for verified government and publicly-owned services is a positive one, but it raises concerns about the company’s priorities. Twitter and its CEO, Elon Musk, must consider the impact of its decisions on public services and ensure that they are not disadvantaged. While monetizing its platform is important, it should not come at the cost of providing essential services to the public. The company also recently announced that it will charge publishers for articles on its platform.

