Microsoft’s Chief Economist Michael Schwarz has issued a warning at the World Economic Forum about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence in the hands of bad actors. He emphasized that the misuse of AI could cause real destruction and that people should be more concerned about AI being exploited by bad actors rather than AI’s productivity surpassing humans.

The dark side of AI

AI dark side
Yuichiro Chino / Getty Images

Schwarz raised concerns about individuals attempting to disrupt elections and the use of AI by “spam email senders” that could cause significant damage. The disinformation brought by AI, he believes, could be even more frightening than unemployment.

While Schwarz called for AI to be regulated, he also cautioned lawmakers to wait until the technology causes “real harm” before taking action. He reminded people that destruction is much easier than construction, indicating that regulations should be carefully considered to avoid stifling innovation.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has previously emphasized the importance of AI’s development, comparing it to the development of other game-changing technologies such as the internet and mobile phones.

Microsoft’s recent AI advancements show great promise with the unveiling of third-party plugin support for Bing AI and the planned sale of a secure private version of ChatGPT to businesses.

However, the warning from Microsoft’s Chief Economist Michael Schwarz underscores the need for responsible and secure AI use. As AI continues to evolve, businesses must consider the potential risks and invest in secure alternatives like ChatGPT to ensure the technology’s responsible use and overall benefits for society.