A bipartisan group of US lawmakers, led by Republican Gus Bilirakis and Democrat Jan Schakowsky, is pressing Apple‘s CEO, Tim Cook, for clarification regarding the tech giant’s restrictive policies towards blockchain and NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) applications on its App Store. In a quest for transparency, the Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce sought explanations for the alleged obstruction of NFT and blockchain-related technologies.

Apple has previously insisted on the removal of NFT components of applications

According to the lawmakers, Apple’s App Store guidelines appear designed to bolster its profits while limiting the proliferation of apps featuring blockchain, NFT, and related technologies. The implications of these restrictions have compelled several companies to devise “lite” versions of their apps to meet the App Store’s rules on NFTs.


A case in point is Axie Infinity, a renowned company in the NFT space, which after a two-year negotiation period with Apple, was forced to launch a lite version of its app. Despite the lengthy discussion, Apple insisted on the removal of the NFT component of Axie’s app before allowing its appearance on the App Store.

The lawmakers’ letter underscored the concern that Apple’s strict App Store policies serve not only as a profit-enhancement strategy but also as a weapon against potential competitors. Critics argue that this approach stifles innovation and competition, threatening the healthy growth of emerging sectors such as blockchain and NFTs.

Apple’s response to these allegations will determine if the tech giant’s stance will evolve or continue to be a roadblock to blockchain and NFT app developers seeking to utilize its platform.

