Google has been taunting Apple for not adopting the Rich Communication Services (RCS) protocol for over a year now. The company even launched a campaign called ‘Get The Message’ to pressure the iPhone maker into adopting the messaging protocol, but Apple didn’t bother to listen. Now, Samsung has joined the search giant in urging the Cupertino company to embrace RCS, and it has done so in its own sarcastic way.

“Help Apple,” says Samsung

Samsung has released a new video on YouTube, which calls for Apple to adopt RCS. The video, titled “Green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together,” shows a Romeo and Juliet-style conversation between two users who want to be together, but are kept apart by one of their parents (hinting at Apple’s stubbornness to support RCS in iMessage). “What did green ever do to them? We’re bubbles too,” one of them asks. The touching video from Samsung supports Google’s existing #GetTheMessage campaign.

RCS is supposed to be an upgrade over the existing messaging protocol, SMS, which lacks encryption, group messaging, or animated stickers. RCS chats are meant to give you a rich messaging experience by showing you when someone is typing, offering read receipts, and allowing you to send messages over mobile data or Wi-Fi. You can also share large files and high-resolution photos using RCS. The new protocol is available on all Android phones.

For RCS to be effective, it must be implemented on all smartphones, including iPhones. However, Apple has been reluctant to embrace the new protocol, presumably because the Cupertino company doesn’t want to relinquish its ecosystem lock-in. While the likelihood of Apple willingly adopting RCS is slim, regulators, such as the EU, might force it to open up its messaging services. That said, you can still try RCS on iPhones using this third party app.