WhatsApp is undoubtedly the world’s most popular instant messaging application today. However, this popularity brings along some risks. For instance, when someone adds you on WhatsApp, they can see your profile picture, stories, and status. Some of this information may not be suitable for professional settings. Fortunately, WhatsApp’s Alternate Profile feature aims to address these issues. Here are the details…

WhatsApp’s Latest Feature: Alternate Profiles for Privacy

WhatsApp Alternate Profile aims to provide users with the privacy they desire. This feature, which the company has been working on for some time, allows users who set their account to private to create a secondary profile. With this, only a selected secondary profile picture is visible to the other person, keeping your personal information private.

WhatsApp Alternate Profile

This way, you can keep both your spouse happy and present a more professional image in the business world using the same profile. Unfortunately, the feature is still quite new and in the development stage. Therefore, it is currently unclear how it will work or what you need to do to allow others to see your primary profile.

Of course, this feature has sparked some debates. Some users find WhatsApp’s Alternate Profile feature useful, while others believe it could cause problems in both professional and personal relationships. Some even prefer to label this feature as “aiding scammers” and “destroying relationships.” In the end, how you use it is entirely up to you.

It’s worth noting that this feature is different from the Multi-Account Support feature, which was recently introduced, allowing you to use two WhatsApp accounts on a single device. In this case, you are not using two separate accounts but different profiles associated with your account.

