Narwal, a renowned name in home robotics, has unveiled a new range of robot vacuum cleaners at CES 2024, consisting of the Narwal Freo X Ultra, Narwal Freo X Plus, and Narwal S10 Pro. These innovative cleaners are designed to enhance home cleaning with advanced technology and features.

Narwal Freo X vacuum robots

The Narwal Freo X Ultra, priced at $1,499, stands out as the flagship model. It is equipped with a unique U-shaped air duct for sustained, high-speed airflow, preventing debris accumulation. This model achieves remarkable fan speeds of up to 60,000 RPM, considerably higher than the industry standard, and delivers a powerful suction of 8,200 Pa. Its floating brush, designed to avoid hair tangles, is tilted at 50 degrees with cone-shaped rubber strips that direct air to the sides, efficiently moving hair into the dust bag.

Narwal Freo X Ultra

The Freo X Ultra also boasts triangular mops for effective wet cleaning, applying 12N of downward pressure and rotating at 180 RPM. For enhanced cleaning, it includes EdgeSwing technology for reaching corners and DirtSense technology for targeting dirtier floors. Control options include the Narwal app and voice commands through Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri, with a touchscreen on its base station for added convenience.

Narwal Freo X Plus

The Narwal Freo X Plus, offered at $469, shares many features with the Freo X Ultra, including the same suction power and cleaning technologies, but lacks the self-cleaning station. Both models can compact and store dust for up to 60 days.

Narwal S10 Pro

Additionally, Narwal introduced the S10 Pro, a versatile handheld wet-dry vacuum priced at $449. It features a dual-function design with 32 running water streams for mopping and a 76AW suction efficiency for vacuuming. This model also boasts a 99.99% disinfection rate and an automatic cleaning system for its roller brush, pipes, and filters.

All models utilize tri-laser obstacle avoidance with LiDAR SLAM 4.0 Integration for navigation. The Narwal Freo X Ultra and Freo X Plus are set to release in March, while the S10 Pro will be available in April, offering a comprehensive suite of cleaning solutions for modern homes.