Valve has recently unveiled a significant update regarding the management of AI-driven content on Steam. This move comes amidst a lively debate surrounding the use of artificial intelligence in the gaming sector. In a fresh approach, the company will implement an “AI disclosure section” in its content surgery. This section requires game developers to clarify how AI is integrated into their games. Notably, Valve distinguishes between pre-generated AI content and live-generated AI. The latter, especially, will be under scrutiny to ensure it doesn’t produce illegal content.

Valve will soon make these disclosures visible on the Steam Store Page

One notable example is “Infestation Origins,” a game that faced allegations of using generative AI in its early stages.

Valve’s initiative also includes making these disclosures visible on the Steam store page. This transparency ensures that customers are fully informed about the AI usage in the games they purchase. Additionally, Valve is introducing a system enabling players to report any illegal content found in games with live-generated AI.


The swift advancement of generative AI technology has sparked intense discussions about its ethical implications within the gaming industry. Concerns are not just limited to gamers; even video game voice actors are apprehensive, especially in light of a recent SAG-AFTRA deal with an AI studio. Moreover, the rise of low-cost, AI-generated games designed for quick profits has been a point of contention, with many such games surfacing on Steam.

Reflecting on its journey, Valve admitted that understanding and adapting to AI in gaming took time. The company expressed regret for any inconveniences caused to developers but emphasized its commitment to not making hasty decisions in this complex area. Valve’s decision to restrict “Adult Only Sexual Content” created with Live-Generated AI clearly points towards its cautious stance in navigating the AI landscape.

