Samsung’s influence on the Android ecosystem is profound. As the world’s top manufacturer of Android smartphones, Samsung consistently expands its impact by selling millions of devices annually. But this is merely the beginning. The South Korean tech giant not only fuels Android’s user base but also plays a pivotal role in supporting the Play Store. According to information unveiled in the Epic Games v. Google lawsuit, Samsung’s Android devices generated ‘half or more’ of Google Play revenue.Here are the details…

Epic Games v. Google Lawsuit Sheds Light on Samsung’s Share of Google Play Store Revenue

n a recent hearing in the ongoing Epic Games v. Google lawsuit, it was revealed that Samsung devices accounted for “half or more” of Google Play revenue as of early 2019. This information was disclosed by Google’s Vice President for Partnerships James Kolotouros.This statistic highlights the significant role that Samsung plays in the Android ecosystem and its contribution to Google’s Play Store.


Samsung is the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer, and its devices are widely popular among Android users. As a result, it is not surprising that Samsung devices generate a substantial portion of Google Play revenue. The reliance on Samsung devices raises concerns about Google’s dominance in the Android market.

Epic Games has argued in its lawsuit that Google’s control over the Play Store is anticompetitive and that the company is using its market power to stifle competition. The disclosure of Samsung’s share of Play Store revenue could further strengthen Epic’s case against Google.

It is important to note that Google has not independently confirmed the statistic that Samsung devices account for “half or more” of Play Store revenue. However, the revelation from Kolotouros provides further evidence of the close relationship between Google and Samsung in the Android ecosystem.