Twitch, the popular live-streaming platform, has just announced a game-changing update: Affiliate streamers are now invited to join the elite Partner Program, paving the way for more creators to earn significantly higher income.

This will attract a lot of new streamers to the platform

Previously, the Twitch Partner Program was an exclusive club for the top-tier streamers, offering them a more lucrative slice of the revenue pie. But starting May 1, this privilege is being extended to Affiliates under the revamped Partner Plus Program. This shift is a huge win for smaller streamers, who often find climbing the Twitch ladder a challenging feat.


Under the new structure, Affiliates can access the higher 70/30 revenue share, previously a Partner-only benefit, by accumulating 300 Plus points – down from 350. They can also opt for a 60/40 share by maintaining 100 Plus points over three months. This means more money in the pockets of Affiliates for their hard work and dedication.

Echoing Warner Bros. Discovery’s rebranding of HBO Max to Max, Twitch is simplifying the name of its expanded program to ‘Plus Program.’ This move signifies a broader, more inclusive approach, reflecting Twitch’s evolving landscape where streamers of varying sizes can thrive equally.

The cherry on top? Twitch is axing the $100k cap on the 70/30 revenue share. This change addresses long-standing concerns among streamers about earning limits and is a clear nod to their feedback. Without this cap, top-performing Affiliates have the potential to earn just as much as their Partner counterparts, if not more.

By blurring the lines between Affiliates and Partners, Twitch is championing a more equitable platform where talent and effort, rather than just numbers, pave the path to success. For aspiring streamers, this means the dream of turning their passion into a sustainable career on Twitch just got a whole lot more attainable.

