The privacy of our personal data has never been more at risk Nearly every product and service we use stores our information, often for personalized advertising and other things. What’s even worse is that companies collecting our data sometimes fail to protect it, leading to theft and even selling. It’s certainly a concerning situation, and governments should address it, right? Wrong, because, U.S. Senator Wyden Letter confirms even the NSA is buying peoples data from data brokers. Here are the details…

The NSA’s Secret Connection with Data Brokers Revealed

According to Senator Ron Wyden’s letter, the NSA is purportedly purchasing information about individuals in the United States. The agency collects internet records, including visited websites and used apps, along with data from sources like phone calls, emails, internet browsing, social media activities, and location data.

Actually, this is not a surprise for anyone. The first evidence of NSA purchasing data from data brokers was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013. Snowden claimed that the NSA used these data to create profiles on individuals worldwide, including American citizens. Now, Senator Ron Wyden’s statements confirm this.

Moreover, it is not known from whom the data was obtained or under what conditions it was collected. For instance, the NSA might have purchased your data from hackers using the money paid from your taxes. Senator Ron Wyden brought this issue to light and demanded the government to stop this practice.