Oppo Executive: OEMs will no longer be simple Smartphone companies


According to Chen Mingyong, the OPPO co-founder and CEO, smartphone OEMs will no longer be simple mobile phone companies. The senior executive shared this statement on Weibo earlier today which also announced his attendance in the upcoming OPPO INNO DAY 2019 to deliver a speech. The event is to take place on the 10th of December 2019 and will mark Chen Mingyong’s first public appearance in 6 years.

Chen Mingyong: OPPO INNO DAY 2019
Chen Mingyong: OPPO INNO DAY 2019

The CEO/Founder of Oppo has kept a low profile over recent years, being last seen in a product launch about 6 years ago. In the official poster release, Chen Mingyong is quoted saying, “the era of mutual integration, there will no more mobile phone companies in the pure sense.” This statement implies that the company is looking into further diversifying away from smartphones in the near future.

OEMs no longer being simple smartphone companies is already true in a few regards. A notable example of this is Apple which is highly touted for its robust and productive gadget ecosystem ranging from smartphones, smartwatches, laptops, computers and more. Microsoft and Huawei are also great examples and more companies can be expected to soon follow this business practice as well.

Chen Mingyong: OPPO INNO DAY 2019
Weibo: OPPO INNO DAY 2019

Thus, in the event, we might see the announcement of a similar philosophy from Oppo. It will be a major step from the tech giant which is one of the world’s top 10 smartphone brands. Additionally, the upcoming event will also see other important figures like Oppo’s Vice President, Oppo Chief 5G scientist, Microsoft China’s CTO, Executive Director of IHSMarkit, and various notable professors and financial writers.

