Motorola 5G Moto Mod appears at FCC with additional details


While launching Moto Z3 in August last year, Motorola promised to bring 5G compatibility with a Moto Mod. Well, it seems that the Lenovo owned company is quietly working on it and is now in the certification phase. Recently, Motorola 5G Moto Mod has appeared at FCC in the US. Its several details have been uncovered in the recent listing at the US certification agency.

As per the Motorola’s description, the new 5G Moto Mod would bring 5G compatibility across Motorola devices such as Moto Z3. It will feature proximity sensors to shut off any of its four mm-wave 5G antennas. It will use any of the four available mm-wave antennas having the best signal reception. The documentation also reveals that the mm-wave antennae will disable the transmission when a user may be located in the proximity.

motorola 5g moto mod

Motorola in description has adequately described the mechanism of the 5G Moto Mod working. It reads:

As mentioned in the device description, capacitive and proximity sensors are used to disable transmission from a given mm-wave antenna array module when a user may be located in close proximity to the module and in a direction in which the module may transmit. The control mechanism is a simple one in which, if proximity detectors indicate the potential presence of the user within a roughly conical region in front of the module where power density may approach the MPE limit, that module is disabled from use by the modem. This terminates and prevents transmission from the module in question until the condition is cleared.

Now, most of the users would be curious to know about the new mm -meter waves, its effects and other things. Well, the millimetre waves are non-ionizing waves which don’t have enough energy to make any changes to living cells. Further, similar waves are also present at the airport body scanners, which are marked as safe and causing no adverse effect on your body. Further, the new Moto Mod will be following the exposure limits set by the FCC. Overall, you need not to worry about mm-waves as these are marked as purely safe by concerned agencies.

Earlier reports claim that Motorola 5G Moto Mod will carry its own Snapdragon 855 chipset fitted with X50 5G modem. In order to boost the signal strength, the Mod will host 10 antennas and a 2000 mAh battery to sustain on its own. It will help the 5G motherboard compatible Motorola devices to get 5G support with it.

Read More: Motorola misled viewers with its Moto Mod 5G Speed Test

Moving ahead, the new Moto Mod is 7mm thick which will make your Moto Z3 look bulkier. Although, Motorola is now claiming to end up on 200-500 Mbps speed against 5Gbps with the new 5G Moto Mod.

Its pricing, compatibility and availability details are not yet available. Although, it is believed that the 5G Moto Mod will be made available on upcoming Verizon’s 5G network. We expect some more details to surface at MWC 2019.
