AliExpress is the biggest online store in China, and now they turn to becoming the INternet business giant rather than a online shopping site. They also introducing electronic device such as Smartphone and TV Box.

While Google has already release the Google Chromecast as a TV Stick through HDMI port, is now Ali is also introducing the Ali CLoud TV Box as the smalles TV Stick in the world.

Ali TV Box is reported that product called “Goddess Marriage K2”, regardless of appearance or or localization services, both with Google Chromecast TV Stick.

The hardware and software performance is much stronger and add a lot of features. In traditional TV manufacturers suffered a collective mutiny, we see Ali, still silent, to date, its build eco-TV boxes will probably be seen in a series of Ali services.

Ali equipped this Smart TV with a lot of services and this device has operating system. TV box is not a new thing, but with the development of mobile Internet, coupled with music, PPTV and Ali services, the Internet company’s participation, the TV box will once again to a new climax.

Congregation traditional TV companies, Internet companies, IT companies, and even cottage enterprises are scrambling to enter this Red Sea. Although wore “smart” label, are actually still in the old traditional route to go. Some Competition on-demand content, such as music, TV and music, as the boxes; some hardware and Android is still the same competition, to promote their dual-core, quad-core configuration; some are still price competition.

According to reports, this TV Box has a complete payment system and payment of profit-sharing scheme, the electricity supplier, games, and educational content and applications into the smart TV industry. Visible, TianXianPei K2 release, bringing the TV box full volume and functional subversion.

In the multi-screen showing a strong momentum of development, this is not just the general concept of multi-screen video in a seamless connection, but also the user originally in smart phones, tablet, PC on habit, accustomed to the interface in a holistic manner, and smart TVs unity. But smart TV is expensive, upgrading and updating cycle is long, so the TV box to take up this responsibility.