While other manufacturers are choosing sides between AR and VR, some are investing in both. An example is Samsung, and according to latest reports, they have four AR and VR projects to show off at MWC.

The projects which were developed in Samsung’s C-Labs department are Relúmĭno, Monitorless, VuildUs, and traVRer. Lets take a look at each one.


This is a Gear VR app created to help visually impaired people read books and watch TV with new levels of clarity. What it does is enhancement of visuals and texts. It is stated that it has the “ability to remap blind spots by displacing images and uses an Amsler grid chart to correct distorted images caused by metamorphopsia” (a condition where straight lines appear wavy). Relúmĭno will also allow visually impaired people watch TV without needing expensive visual aids.

Relumino VR App


VuildUs is a combination of a 360° depth camera and a mobile app. It allows you to have a preview of what a piece of furniture would look like in your home before purchasing it. First, you need the camera to scan your home and build a VR version of it. When that is done, all you need is a VR headset and once you launch the app, you can shop for furniture and see how it fits into your home before purchasing. One advantage of VuildUs is that you don’t need to measure the space in your home before you purchase that sofa or coffee table as it lets you see if it fits in real time.



Monitorless is a pair of glasses that combines VR and AR together. What it actually does is allow you to view content from a computer or smartphone without the need for a display. You can access the contents of your phone by pairing the glasses via WiFi Direct. You can also mirror the content of your computer on your phone which you can then view through the glasses. The use of electro chromic glass even makes it possible to switch between VR and AR. The video should probably explain better.


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Last but not the least is traVRer. It is a a 360° video platform that you can use to explore popular locations around the world without leaving your house. It is similar to what Google offers with Street View but accompanied with sound and video.


All four projects will be on exhibition at MWC where we should get more details.

(Source, Via)