While Xiaomi is still basking in the attention created by the flagship Mi 9, the company is cooking a gadget that will be launched soon. That gadget is a new flagship Mi Router. The company has released a teaser poster with the caption “Coming Soon”. The poster contains the first Xiaomi router which was released five years ago and also has the picture of the router that will be released soon.mi router

The image of the upcoming router seems to be a silhouette of the first model as it shows only the shape but little detail of the design. The most prominent change we can see is that the power indicator is located at the top half instead of the bottom half. The indicator is now a ring indicator and we suspect it will also double as the power button.

Read Also: Xiaomi announces the affordable Mi Router 4C priced at 99 yuan ($14)

Since Xiaomi first entered the router business in 2013, the company has got a number of Wi-Fi routers to its name. That is perhaps because of the importance of the router as a networking device in the home, office and other public places. As a matter of act, the Mi Routers have become one of the company’s main products alongside the Mi phones and Mi TV. The shipments rank as the second highest-selling router in China. Xiaomi says the new model has been under testing internally for more than a month and the signal coverage and usability is good. The new product will enter the closed beta testing stage soon but as to when that will happen, we don’t know.


Mi Router