On the 23rd of October, Meizu launched it latest flagship smartphone, dubbed the Meizu 16T, it is one of the most affordable Snapdragon 855 powered handsets in the market. At the launch event, Meizu officials were observed boasting off that the display on their latest offering is low blue light certified by TÜV Rheinland.

Meizu 16T marketing material
Meizu 16T marketing material reveals TUV Rheinland certification

Soon after the event was over, the company landed itself in trouble as TÜV Rheinland AG released a statement saying that the phone wasn’t tested or certified by their organization. For reference purposes, displays certified by TÜV have reduced blue light and are flicker-free to protect eyes and preserve the vision of the users and allow them to change body position without compromising visual image quality.

Obviously, such a mistake could lead to bad consumer reception for any newly launched product, therefore, Meizu was quick enough to release a response statement. According to which, Meizu 16T’s AMOLED display is jointly customized with Samsung who holds the TÜV Rheinland Eye Comfort Certification (ID: 14190721437).

Meizu further clarified that the TÜV Rheinland logo was actually meant to highlight just the display certification and not the entire handset which was the root cause of the misunderstanding. The statement also includes an apology to the certification provider and potential consumers of Meizu.

Meizu 16T
Meizu 16T

Following Meizu’s narrative, TUV Rheinland acknowledged the apology of the Chinese corporation and a senior official replied with the following statement:

I am very pleased to see that Meizu Technology is responsible for this event and appreciates the rigorous and realistic attitude of Meizu Technology in product promotion.

To wrap things up, the whole matter has now been sorted between two parties and Meizu, without any hurdles, can proceed with the sales of its latest flagship.