Apple‘s AirPods seemed like the ideal Christmas present for a 7-year-old Georgia kid until the adolescent inadvertently swallowed one of the pair and his mother needed to rush him to an emergency room.

Kiara Stroud, the mother of the 7-year old, says she never envisioned the AirPods would wind up in her child’s stomach and now needs to caution moms about the threats of such a gift to anyone in such age bracket According to the mum, he was holding it in his mouth by the long part and couldn’t explain how it got swallowed.

Over at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Egelston, specialists were befuddled about the circumstance, however, an X-Ray photograph identified the metal parts in the AirPod and affirmed that the child had in fact swallowed the device. The major concern of the toddler and his mum was how it was going to come out but the specialist assured them that he would pass out the AirPods naturally.

The incident left the boy scared of even touching his smartphone which is also a Christmas present even though he can’t even swallow it.

In summary, AirPods as awesome as they are might be dangerous in the hands of kids of that age just like all other miniature-sized gadgets around.
