Meituan Takeaway a meal delivery company in China has announced the commencement of “contactless delivery” in 184 cities across China. The service is expected to cover the entire country this week and is in a bid to reduce person-to-person contact which will help contain the rampaging Coronavirus. The company was the first to pilot “contactless delivery” service in Wuhan where the virus was first detected.

At present, Meituan takeaway users can choose “contactless delivery” in two ways, one is to add the request as a comment directly on the meal order page. The other way is to communicate directly with the rider via phone or a message on the app to request the use of contactless meal delivery service. For example, on the order page, through the “contact rider” or “call rider” button, get in touch with the rider and negotiate the location where the meal will be dropped.

At the same time, during the distribution process, the rider will also call the user in advance to confirm whether to choose the service and will further determine the location of the meal after being approved.

Commercial contactless delivery service cannot be utilised in hospitals due to the unsafe environment. However, the company is offering bulk food delivery for hospitals and even dropped a contact number for hospitals that need the service to call.

The Coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan China and the outbreak has killed 132 people in China with close to 6,000 infected persons.

