In recent times, the Coronavirus pandemic has been a cause for major alarm all across the globe. Various measures and diagnosis kits have been developed so far but none of those are generally available to the public or are easily obtainable. However, the wearables on your wrists might be useful in this regard and are more widely found.


To be fair, it is unfortunate that Apple Watch, Fitbit and other WearOS featuring gadgets cannot measure temperatures. For those unaware, Coronavirus infection is mainly deduced through fevers (high temperature) and issues with the respiratory system as primary symptoms. However, for those that still wish to track their temperatures due to fears of the case of the cough that isn’t going away, can still manually upload the data.

One can regularly check their temperatures and input the data into your results in Apple Health or Google Fit for now. Thereafter, it will be easier in consulting your physician with precise data, if in case the health deteriorates and the temperature rises. Another very helpful took offered by such smartwatches includes the heart rate monitor. Current gen wearables can alert users to possible warning signs of atrial fibrillation or sleep apnea. But they can also show signs of your body fighting flu like symptoms if you can spot it.


Meaning, the fluctuations in heart rate during sleep can also be a signal that your body is fighting the Coronavirus infection. According to reports, your heart’s BPM (beats per minute) can be slightly but noticeably higher during sleep, if you are fighting the flu like an infection. So knowing your heart rate on an average day is also recommended.

