Xiaomi’s Mijia brand has revealed through a new post on Weibo that the company is all set to launch a new home water purifier in China on 11th May.

The company is also promoting the upcoming product with slogans like “good soup, good meal, and good skin.” It also added that this new product is “delicious”. All these claims from Xiaomi hints that the purifier will have a soft water feature.

Xiaomi Mijia Water Purifier

The water quality in most part of China is hard water containing more mineral content and largely includes more soluble calcium and magnesium compounds. On the other hand, soft water contains low concentrations of ions and is low in ions of calcium and magnesium.

However, the company has not yet announced anything related to this water purifier. It remains to be seen what Xiaomi is planning to offer in terms of features for this upcoming product. To know for sure, we’ll have to wait a couple of days more.

The upcoming product won’t be the first water purifier coming from Xiaomi. The company has launched several such products in India. Last year, in September, the Xiaomi Water Purifier C1 was launched which comes with three faucet outlets and 4-level RO filtration. Recenly, Xiaomi-backed Viomi launched Yunmi S2 600G water purifier.

In this month only, Xiaomi’s Mijia has already launched the Mijia Handheld Ironing Machine for crowdfunding and finally started taking reservation for the Mijia Electric Scooter 1S which was launched last month.