Google Maps is arguably the best maps service for navigation. Last year, the Mountain View-based tech giant rolled out “Live View”, an AR directions mode to both Android and iOS. Earlier, it was only exclusive to Pixels. Now, the company has added an option to calibrate location using this mode.

Google Maps Calibrate GPS Live View

GPS on smartphones does not work properly in dense urban areas. Hence, Google is introducing a new feature to lock user’s location properly via Live View.

Normally, to calibrate GPS on handsets, users will have to twist them in a certain pattern. It works most of the times, however, it may not function when the user is in a jam-packed area.

In such a situation, users can open Live View inside Google Maps and then point their phone’s camera to nearby buildings, street signs or other things to lock their location. This feature will use Google’s years worth of Street View data to recognize the current location of users.

The feature is currently live on both stable and beta versions of Google Maps Android app. It is not available for iOS for now. Also, it is worth noting that this feature will work on Android smartphones that are compatible with Google ARCore.

