LinkedIn is shaking up the job search process with a new AI feature that is being tested to help candidates create personalized messages to send to hiring managers. The new feature, currently available for premium subscribers, generates brief cover letter-like messages based on information from the candidate’s profile, the job description, and the hiring manager’s profile.

LinkedIn also provides AI Writing Suggestions for Profiles

With this feature, job hunters can easily send highly personalized messages that showcase their skills and experience directly to hiring managers through the LinkedIn platform. This is expected to save candidates a significant amount of time and effort, as well as make the job search process more efficient and streamlined.


LinkedIn has previously experimented with generative AI features such as AI writing suggestions for profiles and AI-written text for collaborative articles. However, this new feature is a step forward in the use of AI in the recruitment process, as it enables candidates to quickly and easily create personalized messages that are tailored to specific job opportunities.

The AI-generated messages read like the opening sentences of a cover letter and are personalized based on the candidate’s profile, the job description, and the hiring manager’s profile. The feature has the potential to be a game-changer for job seekers, as it allows them to stand out from other applicants by sending highly personalized messages that showcase their unique skills and experiences.

While the AI-generated messages are highly personalized, LinkedIn emphasizes that candidates should still customize and edit the text to ensure that it accurately reflects their strengths and experience. This is a reminder that while AI can be helpful in generating content, human input is still essential to ensuring that the final result is accurate and effective.

One other area where LinkedIn could potentially use AI is in the recruitment process itself. For instance, AI algorithms could be trained to analyze job postings and suggest potential candidates based on their profiles and experience. This could help to streamline the recruitment process by quickly identifying the most qualified candidates for a given role.

