LinkedIn, the popular career-oriented social media platform is taking a new approach to help its users with AI-powered “writing suggestions” and job descriptions. The company is aiming to make it easier for users to complete the “about” and “headline” sections of their profiles, which can often be challenging to fill out. LinkedIn is using OpenAI models to power the “enhance” tool, which LinkedIn Premium subscribers can use to generate descriptions based on their experience.


The tool aims to preserve the user’s “unique voice and style” by drawing on their job experience and skills, as well as LinkedIn’s own insights into what makes a good profile. The AI-generated descriptions are a great starting point for users, but the company recommends that users review and edit the text for accuracy.

LinkedIn is also testing AI-written job descriptions, where hiring managers only need to fill out the job title, company name, and a few other basic details. LinkedIn will then generate a detailed draft of a relevant job description. These tools are designed to save users time, allowing them to offload some of the more tedious writing tasks associated with LinkedIn.

These writing tools are not LinkedIn’s first foray into generative AI. The company has also introduced “collaborative articles,” which combine AI-written text with contributions from individual LinkedIn experts. In addition, the company is adding new online courses focused on generative AI-related topics.

Overall, LinkedIn’s approach to AI is focused on enhancing the user experience by making it easier to create a compelling profile and job description. The tools are not meant to replace human input but rather to provide a starting point for users to build upon.

