Technology giant Microsoft and chipset leader Qualcomm have worked together for custom chips for Windows PC and now, during Qualcomm’s keynote at CES 2022, it has been announced that both the companies will be collaborating again for AR chips.

Qualcomm and Microsoft together will develop a new, customized version of Snapdragon chipset for augmented reality and the same will be powering the future AR glasses coming from Microsoft.


Cristiano Amon, Chief Executive Officer at Qualcomm, said: “We’re announcing that we’re developing a custom augmented reality Snapdragon chip for next-generation, power-efficient, very lightweight AR glasses for the Microsoft ecosystem.”

He further added that the company is integrating into the chip platform software from both companies: the Microsoft Mesh platform, and the recently announced Qualcomm Snapdragon Spaces XR development platform. The Snapdragon Spaces will be fully integrated into Microsoft Mesh and will be available for next-generation glasses.

Earlier, Microsoft partnered with Qualcomm to develop custom SQ1 and SQ2 chips for its ARM-based Surface Pro X devices. The Microsoft HoloLens 2 is also powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips. So, the development of both these brands partnering for new chips isn’t surprising.

For those who are unaware, Microsoft Mesh is the company’s mixed-reality platform powered by Azure and is meant to create a sense of shared presence on a variety of devices. Recently, the company announced its plans to bring Mesh to its Teams group collaboration platform.