A couple of days ago, OnePlus announced a strategic partnership with Oppo. As part of this partnership, OnePlus has now announced the integration of its services with OPPO Services. This move is aimed at improving the overall service level for OnePlus users and better meeting their service needs.

OnePlus integrating with Oppo services to improve user experience

OnePlus Services has announced that it will be integrating with Oppo Services at the end of this month. This move is aimed at improving the overall service level for OnePlus users and better meeting their service needs. Starting on December 31, 2022 at 18:00, Oppo Services will take over the after-sales service for OnePlus products.

This includes switching the service official website, hotline, online customer service, and social media platforms from OnePlus to Oppo. The WeChat applet for OnePlus will also be replaced by the Oppo Service applet, which can be accessed by searching for it and clicking on the OnePlus icon on the homepage.

OnePlus users will now be able to access nearly 1,000 Oppo-authorized service experience centers across the country for after-sales service for their products. These centers cover more than 90% of prefecture-level cities in the country. The integration of OnePlus and Oppo services follows the announcement by OnePlus founder Liu Zuohu on December 17 that the two companies had officially become dual brands.

Oppo will be investing 10 billion in OnePlus to help it develop and will open up its over 1,000 after-sales outlets to provide high-quality after-sales service to OnePlus users. Under this new strategy, both Oppo and OnePlus will be able to establish their own brand characteristics and launch differentiated products to meet the diverse needs of users.

Also as part of the integration of OnePlus Services with Oppo Services, the following changes will be made:

  1. The service official website will switch from the OnePlus service official website to the Oppo service official website.
  2. Online customer service for OnePlus will be switched to Oppo online customer service.
  3. “OnePlus Service” Weibo and other social media accounts will be suspended. Users can instead follow the “Oppo Service” Weibo, “Oppo Service” WeChat official account, and other accounts for related service inquiries.
  4. The “Oppo Service” applet will have a dedicated OnePlus page, which users can access by searching for and entering the homepage of the applet, clicking on the OnePlus icon, and using self-service-related functions.

