Technology continues to simplify our day-to-day work, making tasks that used to take a lot of time now quick and easy. However, this advancement has also created challenges for our education system. According to an associate lecturer in communication at Deakin University, one in five assessments are now Created by artificial intelligence (AI). Here are the details…

Artificial intelligence (AI) was used in nearly a fifth of assessments by Deakin University’s associate lecturers in communication, who have found growing concerns about using technology to cheat in exams. Sally Brandon Flags 10 Noteworthy Detectable AIs in 54 Summer Graduate Assessments Highest in the five years she has used software to detect cheating.

The main reason for this growth is that ChatGPT is a highly advanced artificial intelligence known for its ability to generate near-perfect content. Its free availability has resulted in a massive increase in the number of users. However, like any system, AI has its limitations.

One of ChatGPT’s limitations is that it doesn’t have access to the internet, which means it’s not always up to date with the latest information, and its knowledge deadline is September 2021. Additionally, AI cannot always ensure the accuracy of the information it provides. This could lead to AI making Making assumptions or inferring meanings from a given word, rather than presenting verified information.

Software for catching scammers is also on the rise. Many tools, such as GPT Output Detector, have had success at differentiating fake articles from real ones, and are constantly improving. But experts hope that the authorities will solve the problem through regulation to make the situation The future will not turn into a crisis.

