Apple recently began rolling out the latest iOS 16.3 update to iPhones. In iOS 16, Apple has launched a redesigned lock screen for the iPhone that allows users to customise it with widgets, font styles, and even different wallpapers. The recent update, however, deleted the original iPhone wallpapers, and users who had one before applying the update were unable to change it. However, this has changed with iOS 16.3. That’s great news for users whose devices are receiving updates in the coming days.

Previously, if a user attempted to personalise the lock screen with a classic wallpaper that came with an earlier version of iOS, the system would alert the user that the lock screen couldn’t be customised and the user would have to choose a different wallpaper. With this change, iOS prompts the user to choose between adding a new wallpaper and customising the current one. Although Apple does not mention it in the iOS 16.3 release notes, the latest upgrade to the iPhone operating system allows users to put widgets on a classic wallpaper, but only if they still have it. The font style can also be changed.

Apple iOS 16

The official notes say that “Customizing the current Lock Screen replaces the current Home Screen wallpaper. Adding a new wallpaper keeps the current wallpaper and creates an additional one.” Unfortunately, Apple still does not allow users to select from other classic wallpapers in iOS 16. And once you delete your classic wallpaper, it cannot be restored. The iOS 16 wallpapers are no longer static images due to the new lock screen, which includes animations and visuals that interact with the clock and widgets. They are instead rendered in real-time.

There are some internet workarounds that allow you to download the classic wallpaper from an older version of iOS for your device. However, that appears to be a workaround rather than an approved technique. Officially, those classic Apple wallpapers are no longer available, at least for the time being. So that was it for the latest wallpaper-related changes made in the iOS 16.3 Update. Please share your thoughts on this by leaving a comment in the space provided below. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.