As smartphone have become a significant part of our daily lives, they have also caused various health issues. However, recent research suggests that using a smartphone for less than 15 minutes a day can actually improve immunity and promote mental health. Here are the details…

Put Your Phone Down! Brushing Less for 15 Minutes a Day Can Improve Immunity

A team of researchers at Swansea University in the United Kingdom conducted a randomized controlled study, which found that reducing social media use by 15 minutes per day improved a person’s overall health and immune function, and reduced loneliness and depression. The study included 50 participants aged 20-25 who completed a series of questionnaires on health, immune function, sleep, and anxiety. The researchers assigned these participants into three groups: No change group, Reduction group, and Reduction + Activity Group.

The results of the study showed that participants in the reduction group experienced significant improvements in immune function, sleep, and depression. Their immune function improved by an average of 15 percent, sleep quality improved by 50 percent, and depressive symptoms decreased by 30 percent. Professor Phil Reid from Swansea University’s School of Psychology emphasized that the data indicated that spending less time on social media can lead to improvements in both physical health and mental health.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that excessive screen time can lead to a range of negative effects on our physical and mental health, increasing the risk of various diseases. Some of these effects include decreased vision, accelerated eye bag production, stiff hand joints, deterioration of gastrointestinal function, increased pressure in the cervical spine, higher likelihood of depression, disturbances of biorhythms, and increased risk of cancer.

Despite the growing evidence of the negative impact of smartphone usage, many people find it challenging to reduce their screen time. To mitigate the harmful effects of smartphones, experts recommend adopting correct postures, maintaining a safe distance from the screen, controlling usage time, avoiding use in dark environments, creating “disabled areas” for smartphone usage, turning off message reminders when resting, and staying away from phones before bedtime.

