Google Maps relies on user contributions to provide accurate and up-to-date information about locations around the world. However, some users may provide fake or misleading information for a variety of reasons, such as personal gain or malicious intent. One reason for fake contributions on Google Maps may be the Local Guides program, which incentivizes users to contribute information about places they’ve visited in exchange for perks like early access to new features and Google services. Some users may be tempted to provide inaccurate information in order to increase their contribution count and earn rewards. Another reason for fake contributions could be attempts to manipulate search results or damage the reputation of a business or location. For example, a competitor of a local business might leave fake negative reviews to try and hurt their business. However, the tech giant recently explained in a blog post how it tackles fake contributions to the platform, keeping it unbiased and safe for everyone who uses it.

Google Maps

The first way involves using machine learning to spot patterns of potential abuse. In one instance, automated systems detected a sudden uptick in Business Profiles with websites that ended in .design or .top, which were quickly confirmed as fake and removed by the team of analysts. The second instance involves a new machine learning model that recognizes numbers overlaid on contributed images, which helps detect and block fraudulent and policy-violating images before they’re published.

In 2022, Google made significant progress in combatting fake content. As per their blog post, they removed over 115 million policy-violating reviews, blocked or removed over 200 million photos and 7 million videos, and stopped 20 million attempts to create fake Business Profiles. Additionally, they took legal action against fraudsters who were impersonating the company and selling fake reviews online and shared their best practices with government agencies to tackle fake reviews industry-wide.

While scammers will continue to evolve their strategies, it is clear that Google’s teams will continue to invest in the latest technology and work around the clock to keep contributed content on Google Maps authentic, safe, and reliable. Plus, over the last few years, Google has made significant strides in the field of Machine learning and AI, which will hopefully further contribute towards keeping the platform secure without investing too much manpower in the same.

