Taiwanese electric bike brand Gogoro has been making waves in the electric mobility sector since it was founded in 2011. One of the brand’s biggest innovations is its battery-swapping system, which allows users to easily swap out their depleted battery for a fully charged one at a network of convenient stations. This system has helped to address the issue of limited range that often plagues electric vehicles, and has helped to make Gogoro’s scooters a popular choice for commuters in Taiwan and other Asian markets.

Gogoro Electric Bikes

At the 2023 Seoul Mobility Show, Gogoro showcased some of its most popular models, as well as a few new ones that are worth mentioning. The EV-C1, in particular, stood out due to its maxi-scooter styling and longer range. This model is likely to appeal to Korean consumers who are looking for a more powerful and capable electric scooter, and could help to further expand Gogoro’s presence in the country.

In recent years, Gogoro has been expanding its reach outside of Taiwan, with a particular focus on other Asian markets. The brand’s strategy has been to partner with local companies in each market, in order to better understand the needs and preferences of consumers in each country. This approach has proven successful so far, with partnerships formed in Singapore, India, the Philippines, and now, Korea.

Gogoro Electric Bikes

One of the advantages of Gogoro’s battery-swapping system is that it can be easily adapted for use in different types of vehicles, including motorcycles and cars. This opens up a range of possibilities for the brand, and could help it to further differentiate itself from other players in the electric mobility sector.

