In a world where artificial intelligence and robots are becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s always exciting to see how engineers are pushing the boundaries and finding new ways to make these machines even more useful. And that’s exactly what Santiago has done by combining ChatGPT with Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot. At first glance, the idea of a robot dog communicating with humans using an AI model may seem like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. However, the innovation is actually designed to make robot dogs even more efficient in performing complex tasks.

Spot can answer Queries in real time using ChatGPT

So, how does it work? Well, ChatGPT is a powerful AI model developed by OpenAI that can generate coherent and meaningful text based on user input. Santiago has integrated Google’s text-to-speech technology to allow users to ask Spot questions by voice, and Spot can answer in real-time using ChatGPT. The result is a robot dog that can interpret questions, parse documents, and formulate answers.


In a video posted by Santiago, we see Spot answering questions about its battery level, mission details, and more. And what’s even more adorable is that Spot can even indicate a yes-no answer by nodding or shaking its head, which gives it an extra touch of cuteness.

But why did Santiago undertake this project? According to IT Home, the robot dogs run automated tasks every day, and each task uses a long and difficult-to-understand configuration file that only a technician can understand. Additionally, after each mission, the robot dog collects a lot of data, but there’s no easy way to query all that data at any time. This is where ChatGPT comes into play, making it easier to understand the configuration files and query the data.

Of course, some people might be nervous about integrating AI into robots. The idea of robots communicating with humans using an AI model might conjure up images of a dystopian future where robots have turned on their creators. But for now, it’s all about making the work of those using robot dogs more efficient.

