When it comes to electric vehicles, the first brand that comes to mind for many of us is Tesla. Recently, the EV manufacturer has been making headlines, especially due to its discounts and small but popular vehicle lineup. One of the newest additions to this lineup is undoubtedly the Cybertruck. Introduced in 2019, the vehicle has already become one of Tesla’s most popular models, even before entering mass production.

Aware of this popularity, the company seizes every opportunity to showcase the Cybertruck as a demonstration of its capabilities. One such display took place today during the Tesla Refinery event. However, after the event, a prototype Tesla Cybertruck got stuck in the mud. Here are the details…

Tesla Cybertruck prototype gets stuck in mud, becomes viral meme

The recent Tesla refinery event showcased the upcoming facility’s production capabilities and featured the Cybertruck prototype. However, excitement turned into amusement when the Tesla Cybertruck was spotted stuck in the mud following the event. According to images shared by some Twitter users, a prototype Tesla Cybertruck got stuck in the mud.

The full story is not entirely known, but it appears that a Tesla official was driving the Cybertruck when it went off the road and somehow got stuck in the terrain. The company has always emphasized the vehicle’s performance in its previous communications. It is unknown what caused the situation of being stuck in the mud. Neither Elon Musk nor Tesla has commented on the incident.

It is worth mentioning that the prototype’s performance should not be taken as an indicator of the production truck’s capabilities, so reservation holders need not worry. However, considering that there are approximately 1.5 million orders and how quickly this news has spread, there will undoubtedly be some who will cancel their reservations.

The Cybertruck is set to launch sometime in Q1 2024, with pre-production underway and mass production on the horizon at Giga Texas.

