In a recent appearance at the VivaTech technology conference in France, Tesla CEO Elon Musk expressed his surprise at the level of support he received after calling for a pause on advanced artificial intelligence (AI) development. Musk had joined hundreds of tech luminaries in signing an open letter that emphasized the potential dangers of advanced AI and advocated for a six-month pause on developing technologies more advanced than OpenAI’s GPT-4 chatbot.


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While Musk didn’t expect anyone to actually agree to the pause, he reiterated his stance, stating, “I just want to say, ‘I think we should pause.'” The seriousness of the letter was recognized by both its signatories and its critics, with notable figures such as Bill Gates, Senator Mike Rounds, and Geoffrey Hinton expressing their opinions on the matter.

Hinton, often referred to as the “Godfather of AI,” argued against the pause, suggesting that if research were halted in certain regions, it would continue elsewhere, particularly in China. Google CEO Sundar Pichai also acknowledged the letter as a conversation starter, emphasizing the collective action problem it poses.

Aidan Gomez, CEO of Cohere, a $2 billion AI startup, expressed skepticism about the feasibility of implementing the pause, stating that debating the extinction of humanity due to superintelligent AI. was an inefficient use of time and resources.

In contrast, Musk warned of the potential catastrophic consequences if artificial general intelligence (AGI) were not handled with care, noting that AGI could surpass human intelligence by a significant margin. He reiterated the need for strong regulation and highlighted the risk that advanced AI poses to the public. Musk emphasized the importance of minimizing the probability of negative outcomes while acknowledging the positive potential of AI.

While Musk’s call for an AI pause continues to spark debates and varying perspectives, his primary concern remains the responsible development and governance of artificial intelligence technology.

