Apple’s Vision Pro mixed reality headset was recently unveiled at WWDC 2023. The headset, which is scheduled to go on sale in 2024, has captured everyone’s attention with its features. However, it has been revealed that Apple did not showcase all of the features that were originally planned. Here are the details…

Apple still has a lot of secret apps for Vision Pro in the works

The Vision Pro showcase at WWDC 2023 was impressive. We saw how the headset could be used for different applications, but it turns out that the event was originally planned to be even more spectacular. Apple had originally planned to show off a number of features that were not yet ready, include a Tai Chi app, a Nike workout app, a yoga app, games that require precision control, the ability to run Mac apps directly on the headset, and augmented or 3D Apple TV+ content.

Many of the health or fitness functions are on pause because they rely on full-body tracking, which isn’t working yet. Apple told developers that full-body tracking will be available when the device ships. In addition to software issues, there have also been hardware problems that have slowed down the development of the headset. For example, face cushions have been researched, but it’s not clear how they would have been used. The Vision Pro also lacks “brow cams,” which would have been used to more accurately depict a user’s facial expressions.

According to former team members at Apple, fitness was also removed from the demo because of other hardware concerns. The external battery pack was considered cumbersome, and the front glass of the headset is too fragile to survive a wearer bumping into walls. It’s possible that Apple will release some of these features in future updates, but for now, it looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to see the full potential of the Vision Pro.

