Threads, the social networking app from Meta, has just received its first major update, bringing new and improved features to the iOS platform. Launched earlier this month, Threads aims to enhance the way users connect and interact with each other, but it faced some initial challenges in building a user base. However, this recent update introduces functionalities that could address some of these concerns and potentially attract more users.

Meta is looking to make Threads popular again amongst its fresh user base

The key addition to the app is the Follows tab, now integrated into the activity feed. This feature allows users to easily see who has recently followed them, making it more convenient to follow them back. Moreover, the update introduces translations for post text, encouraging users to connect with individuals who speak different languages, promoting cross-cultural engagement. Another handy feature included in the update is the ability to subscribe to unfollowed users, enabling users to receive notifications without cluttering their timeline. The interface has also undergone some tweaks, such as reposter labels that can be tapped, resulting in a leaner and smoother user experience, particularly when loading or scrolling through the activity feed.


Although some features may not be available immediately due to server-side activation, Meta aims to have them fully functional by the end of the day. However, it remains uncertain when the equivalent update will be rolled out for Android users, as Meta has not provided any details yet.

Despite the promising enhancements, some users may still find the app lacking certain features, such as a chronological feed, direct messages, or hashtags. Additionally, the absence of a full web version restricts its usability on computers. Nevertheless, this initial update showcases Meta’s commitment to addressing user feedback and improving Threads over time.

Meta faces the challenge of maintaining user interest, as Threads experienced an expected decline in usage after its initial surge. To combat this, ensuring feature parity and expanding its reach, including a potential rollout in the European Union, are essential steps for Meta to secure a strong user base and remain competitive in the social media landscape.

