Snapchat Plus users were thrown into confusion recently when the app’s digital assistant, My AI, began to act erratically. During a bizarre event, My AI, part of the $3.99/month Snapchat Plus package, took it upon itself to post single-second-long Stories to users’ feeds, a function it was never programmed to have.

This small incident left Snapchat users wondering if AI is becoming sentient

The mysterious two-tone image posted in Stories by the chatbot left users scratching their heads. Some even mistook it for a snapshot of their ceiling. When asked about the incident, My AI either went silent or acknowledged a technical issue.


This unexpected behavior prompted jokes and minor panic among users, leading them to wonder if this was a sign of AI’s burgeoning self-awareness. While the idea of the dawning of the Singularity was certainly thrilling for some, it was soon clarified by a spokesperson that it was merely a temporary glitch.

What makes this incident particularly interesting is the intrigue it stirred. My AI offers an array of features, including AR filter recommendations, suggestions for restaurants and activities, and various AI functionalities. The technical malfunction gave users a sneak peek, albeit unintended, into the potential capabilities of AI.

