Google is ready to step into the emergency services arena with its upcoming Android 14, taking a cue from Apple’s iPhone 14, which has already introduced a Satellite SOS feature. But there’s a twist: Google seems to be eyeing a global audience by potentially teaming up with Garmin, a well-known name in GPS and satellite communication.

Apple’s Satellite SOS service is only limited by its reach as of now

The information comes courtesy of a Twitter user, Neïl Rahmouni, who noticed some changes in Google Messages app’s user interface. These changes hint at the incorporation of satellite messaging features and suggest Garmin’s involvement. Rahmouni, however, advises caution, saying the collaboration isn’t confirmed until Google makes an official announcement.


Why Garmin, you ask? Unlike Apple’s Satellite SOS, available only in a few countries, Garmin’s satellite services span more than 150 nations, covering every continent. This could give Google an edge in offering emergency services that are as universal as they are critical, making technology truly accessible in times of dire need.

While Apple has made strides with its Emergency SOS feature, its reach is still limited. Google, by possibly joining forces with Garmin, could fill this gap and extend life-saving technology to far-flung areas of the globe. And with Android 14’s release just around the corner, all eyes are on Google to reveal its next move.

What remains to be seen is whether this alliance materializes, and if so, how it will reshape the technology landscape in terms of emergency services. The satellite SOS feature could potentially be a game-changer, offering more people the safety net they deserve, no matter where they are.

So, it’s not just about staying connected anymore; it’s about staying safe, globally.

