Spotify, the global streaming giant, recently updated its widget offerings for Android users. This development not only serves as a win for widget enthusiasts but also repositions widgets as indispensable tools in today’s fast-paced digital age.

Users can update the app to see the new Widgets on their home screen

After a two-year hiatus on widget updates, Spotify rolled out two new variants designed to make life easier for its millions of users. The first, a ‘basic’ widget, fulfills standard needs—it shows the currently playing track, and its album art, and offers basic media controls.


The second widget is where the magic happens. Not only does it show what’s currently playing, but it also offers personalized recommendations—ranging from songs and albums to podcasts and audiobooks—based on user preferences. The widget can expand up to a 5×2 size, displaying up to five personalized suggestions below the currently playing track.

These new widgets were launched with version 8.8.50, and if you haven’t updated your Spotify app yet, you might want to hit that update button soon.

This move by Spotify also opens up a dialogue on the relevance of widgets in our day-to-day digital interactions. If you own a tablet used as a centralized media and smart home control, Spotify’s new widgets could offer a streamlined, user-friendly experience, all available at a single touch on your home screen.

In a world quick to embrace the ‘new,’ Spotify’s widget update serves as a reminder that some traditional features, like widgets, still have a lot to offer. The update is not merely a feature rollout; it’s a counter-argument to the growing perception that widgets have lost their utility. So, are widgets here to stay? If Spotify’s bold move is anything to go by, the answer is a resounding yes.

