In a surprising move that is actually quite in line with Tesla’s unconventional marketing, the electric car company has teamed up with McDonald’s to “redefine” the fast-food experience. Forget ordinary spoons; customers can now have their McFlurries with a “Cyber Spoon,” designed to look like Tesla‘s futuristic Cybertruck.

The Cyber Spoon is the latest Tesla marketing strategy to advertise its upcoming Cybertrucks in China

This collaboration isn’t just about munching ice cream with a uniquely designed spoon; it’s about blending two distinct brand philosophies. With a price tag of $4.09, the Cyber Spoon isn’t a cheap throwaway item but a keepsake. Despite being exclusive to China, the spoon’s handle bears the English phrase “DON’T PANIC.” This quirky detail is an apparent nod to Neil Gaiman’s 1988 book, Don’t Panic: The Official Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Companion.


What makes this joint venture even more intriguing is the initial skepticism from Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk. In response to a tweet about the spoon, Musk quipped, “Fake news afaik,” adding a layer of mystery to the already eccentric product. The spoon will have a limited run of 50,000 units, making it a must-have for both fast-food enthusiasts and Tesla fans.

While critics may question the relevance of such a product, the Cyber Spoon is more than just an eating utensil. It’s a statement piece that serves as a testament to Tesla’s out-of-the-box thinking, demonstrating that in today’s market, innovation can come from the most unexpected alliances.

So, if you’re lucky enough to find yourself in China, why not give the Cyber Spoon a whirl? It’s a small, yet fascinating chapter in Tesla’s ongoing story of surprising their audience and breaking the mold.

