The ninth-generation console wars are in full swing. Although Sony is currently leading the race with its PlayStation 5, Microsoft is hot on its heels, working to close the gap with its Xbox Series S and Series X. Wondering what those efforts entail? You’re in the right place, because the FTC’s Microsoft case has revealed a new disc-less Xbox Series X design along with a new gyro controller. Here are the details….

Xbox Series X and Controller Getting a Redesign in 2024, According to Leaked Documents

FTC documents have revealed a lot of new details about Microsoft and Xbox. For example, we had previously reported on how the Microsoft responded to the PlayStation 5 announcement and the price increase that occurred last year. Now, there’s an even more significant development. The documents disclosed plans for a cylinder-shaped ‘all-digital’ 2TB Xbox Series X codenamed “Lockhart, as well as a new controller with modular thumbsticks in 2024.

Xbox series X

Ironically, the new Xbox will no longer be a box. Starting from 2024, it will be shaped like a black cylinder. However, the most notable feature of this console isn’t its shape. Microsoft is saying goodbye to the Blu-ray disc drive with this product. In today’s world where games have mostly gone digital, this seems pretty normal and acceptable. However, it also eliminates some advantages.

For example, if you’ve been an Xbox user for the past few generations and own physical game discs, you can currently play them on the Series X. Unfortunately, the cylindrical design will take that capability away from you. Of course, if you’re like many of us and prefer streaming content rather than using Blu-ray discs, and you don’t own physical game discs, this could even be a cost-effective choice for you. This is because Blu-ray discs are still quite expensive.

Using this technology costs console manufacturers between $50 to $100. For example, Sony sells the disc version of the PlayStation 5 for $500, while the disc-less version is priced at $400. In other words, the new Xbox Series X could be priced $50 to $100 cheaper than the current model. Still documents suggest that Microsoft is targeting the same $499 launch price of the Xbox Series X.The console will also feature a new, more efficient and quieter cooling system.

Of course, the cooling system isn’t the only thing that’s changing. The device will also support Wi-Fi 6E and include a Bluetooth 5.2 radio. Additionally, the company is reducing the size of the existing die to 6nm to improve efficiency. According to Microsoft’s document, the PSU will also see a 15 percent reduction in power usage.

The new controller, which has the codename “Sebille,” will include Bluetooth 5.2 and an updated “Xbox Wireless 2” connection. Microsoft has also mentioned that the controller will offer “precision haptic feedback” and that its “VCA haptics will double as speakers.” Additionally, the controller will have quieter buttons and thumbsticks, a rechargeable and swappable battery, modular thumbsticks, and a “lift to wake” feature.

Both the new Xbox Series X and its accompanying controller are expected to launch in early 2024. However, Microsoft has not yet officially announced the new products, but the leaked documents from the FTC case suggest that they are real and that they are coming soon.

