Apple has updated its app guidelines in China, conforming to new regulations that demand all apps to be licensed for local users. This move shows Apple’s willingness to adapt to China’s tightening internet restrictions. But how will these changes affect the typical iPhone user in China?

Apple accounted for 1/4th of all Chinese Smartphone Shipments

Previously, Apple’s App Store was a gateway for Chinese users to download and use banned foreign apps, such as Instagram and YouTube, by employing virtual private networks (VPNs). However, the new policy aims to plug this loophole in China’s ‘Great Firewall,’ essentially restricting ordinary citizens from accessing various global platforms.


What makes this situation more intriguing is Apple’s absence from a recent list of registered “app distribution platforms” published by China’s Cyberspace Administration (CAC). Considering Apple accounted for a fourth of all smartphone shipments in China for the first half of 2023, this omission could signal challenges for the tech giant in maintaining its presence in the country.

Now, let’s break down what this means for Apple and its users. Analysts suggest that despite these hurdles, Apple’s strong brand may help it weather the storm. The company has a diversified product range and its latest iPhone 15 has already proven popular in China. This indicates that while the App Store might face challenges, Apple’s hardware sales could remain strong.

