Electric bikes are evolving, and Driven Technologies is leading the charge with its new Orbit Drive system. Unlike typical e-bikes that use chains or belts, this new concept uses a drive shaft and fancy gears to make bikes run smoother and last longer. But there’s a catch: fixing this high-tech system isn’t easy.

Whether you pedal or use the motor, the power goes to the rear wheel

Here’s how the Orbit Drive works: When you pedal or use the motor, the power goes straight to the rear wheel through a drive shaft hidden inside the bike frame. This design promises to be very efficient, and Driven Technologies says it can last up to 10,000 miles without any need for maintenance. Even better, the company claims it’s 85% efficient, which is higher than most e-bike motors out there. If you prefer to pedal without motor help, there’s a manual mode too.


Sounds great, right? Well, not so fast. This system is complex, and any repairs or tune-ups would need a specialist. The company claims it won’t need any fixing for up to 10,000 miles, but what if something goes wrong before then? You’re likely stuck with a costly repair from an authorized dealer, as your local bike shop might not have the know-how to fix it.

So, the Orbit Drive brings a fresh spin to the growing e-bike market with its advanced design. It promises better efficiency and less maintenance, making it appealing for those who ride frequently. However, it also presents new challenges in repair and upkeep, particularly for those without technical expertise.

The question now is whether bike riders will be willing to take on the extra hassle for the sake of better efficiency. It’s a high-tech gamble that could pay off in the long run or could have users missing the simpler times of chain and derailleur systems. As e-bikes continue to gain traction, the Orbit Drive could either set a new standard or serve as a lesson in the complexities of too much innovation.

